The Expanse Series - Season 4

The adventures of Rocinante and its crew has brought millions of fans before TV screens around the whole world. Join James Holden, Naomi Nagata, Alex Kamal, Amos Burton, Bobbie Draper and many other characters in their adventures in the Solar System and beyond the gates in the new fourth season of The Expanse.

In this season the crew is dispatched to resolve a conflict about mining rights on Ilus - the first colony outside the Solar System - between Ganimede refugees, who, being sent off from all ports to which they wished to dock, were the first to travel through the gates, and Royal Charter Energy a Earth-based company that got mining rights to that the planet.

Beside the human conflict, Holden is being forced by Miller's ghost - the Investigator, a simulation created by the Protomolecule's remnants, to solve the misterious disappearance of the Gate Builders.

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